Monday, December 1, 2008

Sperry Fiercesiders

Men's Gold Cup 2-Eye Boat ShoeMen's Authentic Original Boat Shoe

for SS09 Louboutin takes the Sperry Topsider, classic boat shoe, and gives us:

Boat shoes for fierce mamas.

Speaking of Louboutins, after some heavy sleuthing I found the factory that makes Loubs!!!!
It's in Parabiago, around 40 minutes away from Milan, where Fratelli Rossetti and Luciano Padovan have factories too. Anyway, I was curious to see if they had an outlet, as I've struck gold with other factories here in Italy before. Unsurprisingly, they do NOT, I called them today :(

I would've CLEANED THAT SHIT OUT!! can you picture me pushing a Costco cart in there? I would have to be careful not to get a Mad Mary stud in my eye.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today, while I was gazing outside my window at the grey, rainy weather I started thinking about the disappointing shoe season that was SS09. I have not been liking the footwear offerings as of late. I thought about how shoes were either "nice", "meh, or downright "ew". The next step in logic was inevitable...what, exactly, would I come up with if I were given a blank canvas? I usually just criticize so I think it's important to show what I would do if I were to design shoes.

here are the results of my venture:

Ankle boot in grey wool with patent black trim and hidden platform. (the rectangle in the center is a cutout)

Batwing sandal with black crystals on the heel and the instep. the wings would be in tulle, or something. I'm still thinking about what materials I would use on this one.

ribbon boot. wooden heel and raw matte satin ribbons, maybe in a blueish gray color.

I love to draw so this was fun to do... I hope to share more shoe sketches with you soon (if you can bear the amateurishness of my drawings). I didn't willingingly copy any other designers but since I spend the day looking at shoes I'm sure there are tons of elements I used subconsciously!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Inside Vogue Italia there are little features called "scrapbooks" by Lele Acquarone. They are a fun, whimsical protrayal of the season's fashion highlights, through drawings, text and photography. Since I got september's Vogue Italia I thought I'd share the scrapbooks with you.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am aware that most of my recent posts have been trash talk... as not to become one of those bloggers that has to criticize everything I offer a post with things I do like! in this case, editors. Here are two I LIKE:

Mirochka from Russian Harper's Bazaar

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this outfit *KILLS* me. That coat.

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Image Hosted by

Anna dello Russo




I love how she goes apeshit with super luxe, arty pieces. that red striped Balenciaga coat is *screaming* out for me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Neither I nor storm troopers (Balenciaga's targeted market segment) seem to approve of the SS09 shoes...

Medic Esthetic

image © rené van der hulst

Gwendolyn Huskens recently presented her shoe collection at the graduation show of the Design Academy of Eindhoven.
Inspired by the taboos usually associated to physical deformities, she constructed her shoes using medical and orthopedic materials such as plaster, bandages and band-aids.

How genius is this? I love when a designer is willing to push the boundaries and give garments an almost morbid connotation. At first glance you see an amazing, proportional shoe, then you notice the materials and instantly your mind is catapulted into the orthopedic ward of a hospital. I wish casts actually looked like this. I would seriously break both my big toes to work that wedge bootie. I hope someone is coming up with *fierce* crutches.

images from
marzellluz's flickr

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

up in smoke

The rainy weather has put me in a very cozy mood. The pinnacle of luxurious, stylish cover ups, courtesy of Rick Owens.....

Palais Royal furs are a work of art, I was fortunate to touch them at Antonioli in Milan... insanely, insanely soft!! I didn't dare ask to try them on, as my klutzy self did not want to risk any mishaps with a *twenty-thousand euro fur*

thanks to Faust and the RO NY store for the pics :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I know most people love the general Balmain "look", but my refusal to buy into the hype has led me to see things in a different light.

I fail to see where all the excitement is. These outfits don't make me swoon, dream, smile, gasp, or fan myself with my hand. I most certainly expect the getups of the "powers that be" in fashion to cause these effects.

I used to appreciate Emmanuelle Alt's understated outfits but as soon as she became the Balmain guru, she has been in the most uninspired rut I've seen in awhile. Does she have some kind of exclusivity contract? It's head-to-toe Balmain every time we see her.

Barbara Martelo's (middle) outfit is just absurd. That skirt can have all the detailing it wants, but from where this picture was taken the shirt+skirt combo could've been hanging on the rack of Hot Topic.


As is tradition, here is today's cheap ebay alternative to Balmain:

$3.99 at ebay

^^okay, not exactly the same but she could've been wearing this exact thing.


FIERCE OR FARCE has helped me with the ebay searching and has come up with some delightful Balmainy gems...I love how everything we find is always less than $50!!








and, to complete your look... a boy's tuxedo jacket:


Never again spend 20,000 euros for a basic print t-shirt and grey skinny jeans! The cookie jar has come to your rescue.