Friday, October 31, 2008


hah, not the most glamorous title for a blog post! yesterday night I wore my new favorite RO "barf" tee.... very ad hoc for a house party (celebrating D's birthday... happy birthday to him!!)


excuse the insane expression please!

and here's a more serious shot... I love how the wall matches the shirt... it was totally unintentional and I love how it turned out.



Mark said...

I understand this is a house party!

- une mandarine

Amy Williams said...

This looks is amazing - and that jacket looks so great!

chauss said...

love the combination of black with the beigeyrose. what shoes are those?

Anonymous said...

omg that jacket with the shirt with the hair with the bag with the skirt with the shoes.

what is that jacket? I will knock over a bank for it.

JJ said...

hey guys!! thanks for the compliments, you are too kind :D:D

chauss: my shoes are Marni peeptoe flats, which I will soon have to trade in for something with a closed toe as these are not the best shoe to walk in a puddle-ridden street with!!

arisu: my jacket is my beloved rick owens fw07 leather... worth knocking banks over for :P

Fashion Is Poison said...

the jacket fits you soooo well! you have to post more often!! <3

Marina said...

RO clothes looks great on you!I love your gothic look!I want to see you in heels!

. said...

wildly attractive